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Home » You have missing dependencies! Mandatory : spyder kernels >= 2.0.1

You have missing dependencies! Mandatory : spyder kernels >= 2.0.1 <2.1.0 : 2.0.1 (NOK)

To solve You have missing dependencies! Mandatory : spyder kernels >= 2.0.1,<2.1.0 : 2.0.1 (NOK) error follow below methods.


You have missing dependencies!

# Mandatory :
spyder kernels
 >= 2.0.1,<2.1.0 : 2.0.1 (NOK)

Please install them to avoid this message.

Note: Spyder could work without some of these dependencies, however to
have a smooth experience when using Spyder we strong/yrecommend you
to install all the listed missing dependencies.

Failing to install these dependencies might result in bugs. Please be sure that
any found bugs are not the direct result of missing dependencies, prior to
reporting a new issue.

How to solve You have missing dependencies! Mandatory : spyder kernels >= 2.0.1,<2.1.0 : 2.0.1 (NOK) ?

That error message is the result of a bug in Spyder, and it will be addressed in our next version (5.0.1), which will be released soon. For the time being, you can safely disregard it because it mistakenly indicates that the correct version of spyder-kernels is missing while it is actually installed.

Alternative to Solve You have missing dependencies! Mandatory : spyder kernels >= 2.0.1,<2.1.0 : 2.0.1 (NOK)

The warning message could be deceptive and useless. I double-checked, and spyder kernels 2.0.1 is installed. The installed version must be larger than or equal to 2.01 and less than or equal to 2.1.0, which my version is.

The problem has been identified, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Spyder doesn’t really miss the reliance. It only believes so. You can simply ignore the warning.

Hope the above solution works.

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