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Home » Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH Installing Homebrew On Macos Big Sur

Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH Installing Homebrew On Macos Big Sur

To solve Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH Installing Homebrew On Macos Big Sur (M1 Chip) error follow below methods.


Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH. Add Homebrew to your PATH in /Users/jasonnewton/ .zprofile: echo ' eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> /Users/jasonnewton/ .zprofile eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv) Run 'brew help' to get started

How to solve Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH ?

Waning is showing that it is the location in which the binaries or homebrew are stored, so you must add homebrew PATH to /.zshrc OR /.bashrc. The issue is stated in the warning: Warning: The directory /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH. It appears to be the place where the binaries of hombrew are stored. To resolve, you can perform the following:

Add the following to the end of your /.zshrc or /.bashrc file:

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH

After this, tap source ~/.zshrc in your terminal or restart it.

Alternative to fix Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH

To resolve this warning, you can follow the below steps:

Edit your ~/.bashrc with at the end of file :

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH

To edit run the below command

vi .bashrc

if bashrc not found

touch ~/.bashrc

and paste

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH 

in the file then save and quit the file and then reload bash or

source ~/.bashrc

Now you’re good to go.

Fix Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH with Xcode

  1. Check to see if you’ve already installed Xcode. In your terminal, type the following command:
    /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
    Running above command will print the below sample output Xcode 12.3 Build version 12C33
  2. Now Open Xcode Select preferences Select location tab. Now from dropdown menu in command Line Tool select your Xcode version.
  3. In terminal run below command
  4. /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”
  5. If you have M1 Chip Mac run the below command, close terminal and open the terminal again
    echo “export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH” >> ~/.zshrc

Hope the above solution works.

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