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Failed to connect to the remote extension host server  (Error: Handler already set!)

To solve Failed to connect to the remote extension host server  (Error: Handler already set!) error follow below methods.


Failed to connect to the remote extension host server  (Error: Handler already set!)

How to solve Failed to connect to the remote extension host server  (Error: Handler already set!) ?

To solve Failed to establish a connection to the remote extension host server (Error: Handler already set!) Error Simply follow the below steps :

Modify settings.json add item “”: false

  1. Open Visual Studio Code Studio and press Control + Shift + P
  2. then type setting.json and open setting.json
  3. Now add “”: false
  4. Save setting.json file and then
  5. Restart visual studio code.

Alternative to Solve Failed to connect to the remote extension host server  (Error: Handler already set!)

  1. Close VSCode
  2. Navigate to USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\workspaceStorage, and delete the contents (notably state.vscdb)
  3. Then restart VSCode.
  4. The DEBUG CONSOLE then appears, and everything is fine until I dock it again and close VSCode, at which point it is likely to occur again the next time VSCode is opened.
  5. It hasn’t happened since I stopped docking the window inside the terminal.

Also try :

Delete '~/.vscode-server' folder on your server, and try reconnect.

Hope the above solution works.

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