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Program to Understand JavaScript Function Binding

In JavaScript, function binding is an important concept that determines the context of the this keyword within a function. There are several types of function binding, such as Implicit Binding, Explicit Binding, New Binding, and Window Binding. Understanding how these bindings work is essential for writing efficient and bug-free JavaScript code. In this blog post, we will explore these function binding types with examples to get a better understanding of their usage.


- Implicit Binding
- Explicit Binding
- new Bindidng
- window Binding
// where is this function invoked?
// var sayName = function(name) {
//   console.log('Hello, ' + name);
// };

// sayName('Vishnu!');
// Implicit Binding
// var me = {
//     name: 'Vishnu',
//     age: 25,
//     sayName: function() {
//         console.log(;
//     }
// }

// me.sayName();   // According to implicit binding, `this` keyword is targetting the element left i.e. on the left side of the dot(.), in this case `me`

// var sayNameMixin = function(obj) {
//     obj.sayName = function() {
//         console.log(;
//     }
// };
// var me = {
//     name: 'Vishnu',
//     age: 25
// };

// var you = {
//     name: 'unknown',
//     age: 21
// };

// sayNameMixin(me);
// sayNameMixin(you);

// me.sayName();
// you.sayName();


// var Person = function(name, age) {
//     return {
//         name: name,
//         age: age,
//         sayName: function() {
//             console.log(;
//         },
//         mother: {
//             name: 'Mausi',
//             sayName: function() {
//                 console.log(;
//             }
//         }
//     };
// };

// var jim = Person('Jim', 42);
// jim.sayName();
// jim.mother.sayName();


// Explicit Binding
// call, apply, bind

// var rand = {
//     name: 'rand',
//     age: 65,
//     // sayName: function() {
//     //     console.log('My name is ' +;
//     // }
// };

// var sayName = function() {
//     console.log('My name is ' +;
// };



// var rand = {
//     name: 'rand',
//     age: 65,
//     // sayName: function() {
//     //     console.log('My name is ' +;
//     // }
// };

// var sayName = function(lang1, lang2, lang3) {
//     console.log('My name is ' + + ' and I know ' + lang1 + ', ' + lang2 + ', ' + lang3);
// };

// var languages = ['JS', 'C++', 'Python'];
//, languages[0], languages[1],languages[2]);

// // .apply is a similar thing as .call

// sayName.apply(rand, languages);     // .apply()


// var rand = {
//     name: 'rand',
//     age: 65,
//     // sayName: function() {
//     //     console.log('My name is ' +;
//     // }
// };

// var sayName = function(lang1, lang2, lang3) {
//     console.log('My name is ' + + ' and I know ' + lang1 + ', ' + lang2 + ', ' + lang3);
// };

// var languages = ['JS', 'C++', 'Python'];
// //, languages[0], languages[1],languages[2]);

// // .apply is a similar thing as .call

// // sayName.apply(rand, languages);     // .apply()

// var newFn = sayName.bind(rand, languages[0], languages[1],languages[2]);

// console.log('HERE');
// newFn();


// new Binding

// var Animal = function(color, name, type) {
//     this.color = color;
// = name;
//     this.type = type;
// }

// var Zebra = new Animal('black and white', 'Zorro', 'Zebra');

// console.log(Zebra);


// window Binding

var sayAge = function() {

var me = {
    age: 25



window.age = 35;


Code Explanation

1. Implicit Binding:

Implicit binding involves the automatic binding of the this keyword to the object left of the dot (.) when a function is invoked. For example:

var me = {
    name: 'Vishnu',
    age: 25,
    sayName: function() {

me.sayName();   // Output: Vishnu

In the above code snippet, the sayName function is defined inside the me object. When the sayName function is invoked using me.sayName(), the this keyword refers to the me object.

2. Explicit Binding:

Explicit binding allows us to explicitly define the context of the this keyword using functions like call, apply, and bind.

a. Using call:

The call function can be used to invoke a function by explicitly setting the value of this. It also allows passing arguments individually. For example:


var sayName = function(lang1, lang2, lang3) {

console.log(‘My name is ‘ + + ‘ and I know ‘ + lang1 + ‘, ‘ + lang2 + ‘, ‘ + lang3);


var rand = {

name: ‘rand’,

age: 65,


var languages = [‘JS’, ‘C++’, ‘Python’];, languages[0], languages[1], languages[2]);

In the above code, the sayName function is invoked using call, and the this keyword is explicitly set to the rand object. The arguments languages[0], languages[1], and languages[2] are passed individually.

b. Using apply:

The apply function works the same way as call, but it accepts an array of arguments instead of individual arguments. For example:

sayName.apply(rand, languages);

c. Using bind:

The bind function is similar to call, but it returns a new function with the context of this and predefined arguments. The original function is not immediately invoked. For example:

var newFn = sayName.bind(rand, languages[0], languages[1], languages[2]);

3. New Binding:

The new keyword in JavaScript is used to create an instance of a constructor function. The this keyword inside a constructor function refers to the newly created object. For example:


var Animal = function(color, name, type) {

this.color = color; = name;

this.type = type;


var Zebra = new Animal(‘black and white’, ‘Zorro’, ‘Zebra’);


In the above code, the Animal constructor function is used to create a new Zebra object. Inside the constructor function, this refers to the newly created Zebra object.

4. Window Binding:

When the this keyword is used in a function that is not part of an object or not explicitly bound to any other object, it refers to the global object (usually the window object in a browser). For example:


var sayAge = function() {



var me = {

age: 25


sayAge(); // Output: undefined

window.age = 35;

sayAge(); // Output: 35

In the above code, the sayAge function is invoked without any explicit object binding. Thus, the this keyword refers to the global object (window) where the variable age is defined.


Understanding function binding in JavaScript is crucial for writing effective and maintainable code. By knowing how to use different binding techniques like Implicit Binding, Explicit Binding, New Binding, and Window Binding, you can control the context of the `this` keyword and avoid unexpected behavior in your code.

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