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Home » Program to Create a Robot Factory and Make It Beep

Program to Create a Robot Factory and Make It Beep

In this program, we are going to create a robot factory using JavaScript. The factory will have a function to create robots with specified models and mobile capabilities. We will also add a method to make the robots beep.


const robotFactory = (model, mobile) => {
return {
model: model,
mobile: mobile,
  console.log('Beep Boop');
// parameters and entered in an order, check robotFactory const.
const tinCan = robotFactory('P-500', true);

Code Explanation

The provided code snippet demonstrates how to create a robot factory using a JavaScript function. The function, named robotFactory, takes two parameters – model and mobile. It then returns an object with properties model and mobile, and a method named beep.

Let’s dive into the code and understand it step by step:

1. The robotFactory function is declared using the arrow function syntax with the parameters model and mobile.

2. Inside the function, an object is created with the properties model and mobile.

3. The model property is assigned the value of the model parameter passed to the function.

4. The mobile property is assigned the value of the mobile parameter passed to the function.

5. The beep method is defined using the shorthand method syntax and logs the message “Beep Boop” to the console.

6. Finally, the object is returned.

To test the created robot factory, the code snippet also includes the following lines:

const tinCan = robotFactory('P-500', true);

1. The tinCan variable is declared and assigned the value returned by the robotFactory function with the arguments ‘P-500’ and true.

2. The beep method of the tinCan object is called, which logs “Beep Boop” to the console.

3. The tinCan object is logged to the console, displaying its properties and methods.

In summary, this program allows us to create robot objects with specific models and mobile capabilities using a factory function. It also provides a method to make the robots beep.

I hope you find this explanation helpful in understanding the provided code snippet and how it works. Feel free to explore and modify the code according to your requirements.

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