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How to Use localStorage in JavaScript

The code snippet demonstrates how to use the localStorage feature in JavaScript. It allows you to store data locally within the user’s web browser. This is particularly useful for saving user preferences or retaining data across sessions.


localStorage.setItem("name", "John Doe");

Code Explanation

The provided code localStorage.setItem("name", "John Doe"); is used to store the value “John Doe” under the key “name” in the localStorage object.

Here is a breakdown of what each part of the code does:

localStorage: This is an object available in modern web browsers that provides methods for storing data locally.

setItem("name", "John Doe"): This method is used to set a key-value pair in the localStorage. In this case, it sets the value “John Doe” with the key “name”. The key is used to retrieve the value later.

By executing this code snippet, the name “John Doe” will be stored in the user’s browser’s localStorage under the key “name”.


To elaborate further, let’s see how we can retrieve and use the value stored in localStorage.

// Retrieving the value from localStorage
var storedName = localStorage.getItem("name");

// Using the retrieved value

console.log(“Hello, ” + storedName + “!”);

// Output: Hello, John Doe!

In the example above, the getItem("name") method retrieves the value stored under the key “name” in the localStorage. This value is then assigned to the variable storedName. Finally, the retrieved value is displayed using console.log().


Using the `localStorage` feature in JavaScript allows you to store data locally within the user’s web browser. This code snippet showcases how to use `localStorage.setItem()` to save data. Additionally, we demonstrated how to retrieve and utilize the stored data. By implementing this functionality, you can enhance the user experience by preserving user preferences and retaining data across sessions.

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