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Home » How to Use JavaScript Objects and Methods: Program to Give Details of an Example

How to Use JavaScript Objects and Methods: Program to Give Details of an Example

In this blog post, we will learn how to work with objects and methods in JavaScript. Specifically, we will focus on a program that gives details of an example using objects and a method. This program will help you understand how to define an object, assign properties to it, and perform actions using a method.


const example = {
  name: 'mark',
  color: 'red',
    console.log(`${this.example} is a ${this.color} something.`)

Code Explanation

Here is the code snippet that demonstrates the program:

const example = {
  name: 'mark',
  color: 'red',
    console.log(`${} is a ${this.color} something.`);


In the above code, we define an object named example using the const keyword. This object has two properties: name with the value ‘mark’ and color with the value ‘red’. Additionally, we define a method called giveDetails using the arrow function syntax.

The giveDetails method uses the console.log statement to display a message that includes the value of the name property and the color property. Notice that we use the this keyword to refer to the current object within the method.

To use this program, you can simply call the giveDetails method on the example object. It will print the message “mark is a red something.” to the console.


In this blog post, we have learned how to use JavaScript objects and methods to create a program that gives details of an example. By understanding how to define objects, assign properties, and define methods, you can build more complex programs in JavaScript. Keep practicing and exploring the possibilities of JavaScript programming!

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