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“How to Retrieve Data from an API using Fetch in JavaScript”

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the fetch function in JavaScript to retrieve data from an API. This process involves sending a GET request to the specified API URL and handling the response to extract the desired data. We will specifically use the fetch function to send a GET request to the “” API endpoint and retrieve the response data.


// API for get requests
let fetchRes = fetch("");
// fetchRes is the promise to resolve
// it by using.then() method
fetchRes.then(res =>
    res.json()).then(d => {

Code Explanation

The provided code snippet demonstrates how to use the fetch function to retrieve data from the API. Let’s break it down step by step:

// API for get requests
let fetchRes = fetch("");

In the first step, we create a variable named fetchRes and assign it the value returned by the fetch function. The fetch function is a built-in JavaScript function that allows us to make HTTP requests. In this case, we provide the URL “” as the parameter for the fetch function, which represents the API endpoint we want to retrieve data from.

// fetchRes is the promise to resolve
// it by using.then() method
fetchRes.then(res =>
    res.json()).then(d => {

Next, we chain the .then() method to the fetchRes promise. The .then() method allows us to handle the resolved value of the promise, which is the response from the API. In this case, we call the .json() method on the response object res to extract the JSON data from the response.

Finally, we chain another .then() method to handle the resolved JSON data. In this example, we simply log the data to the console using console.log(d). However, you can perform any desired operations with the retrieved data at this point.


With the provided code snippet, you now know how to use the `fetch` function in JavaScript to retrieve data from an API. The process involves sending a GET request to the desired API endpoint and handling the response using `.then()` methods. This technique can be incredibly useful when building web applications that require data retrieval from remote servers. Happy coding!

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