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Home » How to Fix Google Fonts Display Issue on Mac

How to Fix Google Fonts Display Issue on Mac

If you’ve ever encountered a problem where Google Fonts do not display properly on your Mac, don’t worry, we have a simple solution for you. By adding “!important” to the font-family declaration, you can fix this issue and ensure that the fonts are displayed correctly.


/* note sure wy but Google fonts do not display on some Mac.
Here is your solution. Just add "!important" and you will be good to go */

        h1 {
            font-family: 'Montserrat', serif !important;

Code Explanation

The provided code snippet addresses the issue of Google Fonts not displaying properly on some Mac devices. It specifically targets the h1 element and uses the ‘Montserrat’ font from Google Fonts.

In the CSS code, the font-family property is set to ‘Montserrat’ with the addition of “!important”. This CSS rule overrides any conflicting styles and ensures that the ‘Montserrat’ font is applied to the h1 element regardless of any other conflicting preferences or settings.

Here is an example to demonstrate the usage of the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
        h1 {
            font-family: 'Montserrat', serif !important;
    <h1>Hello, Google Fonts!</h1>

In this example, we have a simple HTML document with a heading element

that says “Hello, Google Fonts!”. To apply the ‘Montserrat’ font to this heading, we include the Google Fonts CSS link in the section of the document. Then, we use the provided CSS code to set the font-family of the

element to ‘Montserrat’, making sure to include the “!important” keyword.

By following these steps and adding “!important” to the font-family declaration, you can ensure that Google Fonts display correctly on your Mac devices.

Remember to save the HTML document and open it in a web browser to see the desired font in action.

In conclusion, if you’re experiencing issues with Google Fonts not displaying properly on your Mac, simply add “!important” to the font-family declaration in your CSS code, and the problem will be resolved. Implementing this solution will ensure that the desired Google Fonts are applied consistently, providing a more visually appealing experience for your website visitors or any HTML document you are working on.

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