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Home » How to Create an Object with Properties and Methods in JavaScript

How to Create an Object with Properties and Methods in JavaScript

In this blog post, we will learn how to create an object with properties and methods in JavaScript. We will explore a code snippet that demonstrates how this can be done effectively.


const myObject = {
  property: 'Value!',
  otherProperty: 77,
  "obnoxious property": function() {
    // do stuff!

Code Explanation

The provided code snippet showcases the creation of an object using JavaScript. Let’s break down the code and understand its components.

const myObject = {
  property: 'Value!',
  otherProperty: 77,
  "obnoxious property": function() {
    // do stuff!

In the above code, we declare a variable named myObject and assign it an object literal using the curly braces {}. This object contains various properties and a method.

– The property property is assigned the value 'Value!'.

– The otherProperty property is assigned the value 77.

– The "obnoxious property" property is assigned an anonymous function.

The "obnoxious property" acts as a method within the object. Although it is named in a somewhat unconventional way, it demonstrates that property names in JavaScript can contain spaces or special characters.

To access the properties and method within the object, we can use dot notation. For example, will give us the value 'Value!', and myObject.obnoxious property() will execute the function associated with the method.

Overall, this code snippet provides a simple yet powerful example of how to create objects with properties and methods in JavaScript.


In this blog post, we explored how to create an object with properties and methods in JavaScript using a concise and effective code snippet. Understanding object-oriented programming concepts like this is crucial for any JavaScript developer. By gaining proficiency in creating and utilizing objects, you can enhance your coding capabilities and build more robust and efficient applications. Keep practicing and exploring new concepts to become a proficient JavaScript programmer. Happy coding!

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