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Home » The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid

The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid

To solve The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid error follow below methods.


The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid

How to solve The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid ?

When I try to debug a basic Python application using the Python extension, a popup pops at the bottom right that says, “The Python path in your debug setup is wrong.”

If VS Code does not automatically locate the interpreter you want to use, you can explicitly add the path to it in your Workspace Settings settings.json file. You can simply add the line as a sibling to other existing settings using any of the entries that follow.

able to fix this by adding python.pythonPath to my devcontainer.json:

  "name": "Python Data Analysis",
  "build": {
    "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
    "args": {
    "context": "..",
  "runArgs": ["--hostname=docker-python"],
  "settings": {
    "python.pythonPath": "/usr/bin/python3"

Alternative to Solve The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid

If VS Code does not automatically locate the interpreter you want to use, you can explicitly add the path to it in your Workspace Settings settings.json file. You can simply add the line as a sibling to other existing settings using any of the entries that follow.

First, select the File (Code on macOS) > Preferences > Settings menu command (Ctrl+,) to open your Settings, then select Workspace

  1. Create or alter a python.pythonPath item with the entire path to the Python executable (if you edit settings.json directly, put the line below as the setting):
    “python.pythonPath” for Windows: “c:/python36/python.exe”
    “python.pythonPath” for macOS/Linux: “/home/python36/python”
  2. You may also use python.pythonPath to specify a virtual environment, such as:
    “python.pythonPath” on Windows: “c:/dev/ala/venv/Scripts/python.exe”
    “python.pythonPath” on macOS/Linux: “/home/abc/dev/ala/venv/bin/python”
  3. Using the notation $env:VARIABLE, you can use an environment variable in the path setting. For example, if you have a variable named PYTHON INSTALL LOC that contains the path to an interpreter, you can use the following setting value: “python.pythonPath”: “$env:PYTHON INSTALL LOC”,

Hope the above solution works.

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