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Home » Not using the local TSLint version found error in Visual Studio Code. To enable code execution from the current workspace you must enable workspace library execution

Not using the local TSLint version found error in Visual Studio Code. To enable code execution from the current workspace you must enable workspace library execution

To solve Not using the local TSLint version found error in Visual Studio Code. To enable code execution from the current workspace you must enable workspace library execution error follow below methods.


Not using the local TSLint version found for '/Users/myname/myproject/client/src/app/likes/likee/likee.component.ts'. To enable code execution from the current workspace you must enable workspace library execution.

How to solve Not using the local TSLint version found error in Visual Studio Code ?

  1. Go to Command Palette by Ctrl + Shift + P,
  2. In the input that pops up at the top of the VS Code, start typing
    TSLint: Manage workspace library execution and hit Enter.
  3. From the menu that replaces the input, pick enable workspace library execution and again press Enter.

Alternative to Solve Not using the local TSLint version found error in Visual Studio Code

This could be the reason why everyone is hunting for a solution, as MS recently completed necessary tasks.:)


  1. npm install —save-dev eslint @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-plugin eslint-plugin eslint-plugin eslint-plugin eslint-plugin eslint-plugin eslint-plugin esl (Install ESlint and TSLint)
  2. tslint-to-eslint-config npx (This will install a utility tool and simplify configuration.) Following installation, a new.eslintrc.js file will be produced. There will also be adjustments to.vscode/settings.json.)
  3. Disable/uninstall TS Lint in VS Code.
  4. Then, in your package.json file, add the following script: “lint”: “eslint -c.eslintrc.js —ext.ts mySrcFolder>”. (This instructs ESLint to look for TSLint.)
  5. However, you should definitely go over the steps in the link more thoroughly in order to follow them correctly and appropriately.

Hope the above solution works.

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