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Home » IOError: image file truncated Python PIL

IOError: image file truncated Python PIL

To solve Python PIL “IOError: image file truncated” with big images error follow below methods.


 File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PIL/", line 220, in load
    raise IOError("image file is truncated (%d bytes not processed)" % len(b))
IOError: image file is truncated (57 bytes not processed)

How to solve Python PIL “IOError: image file truncated” with big images ?

Refer the given methods to solve the issue.


PIL is reading in file blocks and anticipates that the blocks will be of a specific size. It turns out that you may tell PIL to be tolerant of truncated files (files missing from the block) by adjusting a setting.

from PIL import ImageFile

Hope the above solution works.

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