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How to Save List to CSV in Python

In this article let’s learn about how to save list to CSV in python. CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are used to store data in a tabular format. The CSV file format is used to store tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line in the file represents a data record. Each record is made up of one or more fields that are separated by commas. The name of this file format comes from the use of the comma as a field separator.

This article will cover several methods for saving lists to CSV in python.

Using csv Module

import csv

# column names
fields = ['Student', 'Department', 'Year', 'Grade']
# data rows of csv file
rows = [ ['SAM', 'CS', '2', '8.0'],
		['Joel', 'CSE', '2', '9.6'],
		['Richard', 'IT', '2', '8.3'],
		['Loen', 'EC', '1', '7.5'],
		['Paul', 'CGO', '3', '8'],
		['Husain', 'IT', '2', '9']]

with open('output.csv', 'w') as f:
	write = csv.writer(f)


Save List to CSV in Python

List to csv using Pandas

# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd

# list of name, degree, score
nme = ["SAM", "Joel", "Richard", "Paul"]
deg = ["MBA", "BCA", "M.Tech", "MBA"]
scr = [95, 56, 70, 90]
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'Student': nme, 'Department': deg, 'Score': scr}
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
# saving the dataframe


Save List to CSV in Pandas

Save List to csv using Numpy Module

import numpy as np

# data rows of csv file
rows = [ ['SAM', 'CS', '2', '8.0'],
		['Joel', 'CSE', '2', '9.6'],
		['Richard', 'IT', '2', '8.3'],
		['Loen', 'EC', '1', '7.5'],
		['Paul', 'CGO', '3', '8'],
		['Husain', 'IT', '2', '9']]

# using the savetxt
# from the numpy module
		delimiter =", ",
		fmt ='% s')


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