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Home » Prime Number Program in C

Prime Number Program in C

Learn about Prime Number Program in C in the below code example. Also refer the comments in the code snippet to get a detailed view about what’s actually happening.

Prime Number Program in C:

Prime Number is generally defined as a Natural Number that is divided by 1 and itself. So the logic obtained is the number can’t be divided by any numbers other than 1 and itself. Ex:2,3,5,7,11,13,17…..etc

int main()
    int n,set=0;
    printf("Enter the number:");
        for(int i=2;i<n/2;i++)//checks dividers above 1
                printf("The number is not prime");
            printf("The number is prime");


Enter the number:67
The number is prime

Hope above code works for you and Refer the below Related Codes to gain more insights. Happy coding and come back again.

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